Cause of Case

In this cicle of works Mario Prencipe mixes techniques from a sui generis aesthetic conception of chance. These paintings have to do with a personal concept of composition and the chromatic, dealing with new aresas of creative pursuits. The link between the fortuitous and his explicit interest in experiencing with  colors and abstract figures is the essence of this group of works; they are inextricably related to his own perception about life. Thus, as  he lives in a very casual way, mainly from his trip experiences, he's focused on exploring , at this stage of his work, the effect the unespected may have on artistic creation. The works suggest a visual treatment with an immaginative projection, distinguished by the use of different formal resources. Linked to the philosophical conception of chance, Mario feels comfortable with the integration of several painting techniques, where we may observe, so obviously, the plasticity of the set or composition of different irregular lines, in most of them with  liquid jets which, in turn, are the lasting impression integrating a two-dimensional space where he makes us share his aestheticism.